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Communicating Chiropractic Through Research

Story at-a-glance  Social media and the internet is making it increasingly easy to access information, both good and bad. This is one reason why it’s more important than ever to pair quality chiropractic research with strong communication skills. Research is helping us understand the underlying mechanisms of chiropractic, so that we can confidently say why…

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Good News For Pessimists: It Could Be Good For Productivity 

Story at-a-glance Science is showing us that health and personality are linked, but new research shows that the news isn’t all bad for pessimists. There are certain ways in which a healthy dose of pessimism, can actually improve things. A new book, Rethinking Positive Thinking, provides scientific research suggesting that starry-eyed dreaming isn’t all it’s…

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Tech Advances: The FitBit 

Story at-a-glance  For the most part, we are blind to what happens after people leave our practice. Health practitioners are starting to see possibilities in the use of technology like the FitBit to fill this knowledge gap. The FitBit could have multiple possible research applications. The ability to gather and analyse health data may have…

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New Research Links Curcumin And Cognition  

Story at-a-glance Australian research establishes the neuroprotective factors in curcumin (a compound found in tumeric). This compound may inhibit a type of degenerative brain plaque (found in Alzheimer’s sufferers). It also appears to protect against oxidative stress, reduce inflammation and improve the function of neurotransmitter systems. From a chiropractic paradigm, life should be lived fully,…

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New Scientific Discovery: The Brain Does Have Immune Cells 

Story at-a-glance Contrary to prior thinking, research now shows that there are immune cells present in the brain under normal circumstances. This presents a major shift in theory and reinforces the link between brain and body. It may lead to further research on neurological dysfunction and how it relates to the immune system and the body overall…

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The Role Of Technology In Chiropractic Care 

Story at-a-glance David Fletcher discusses the use of technology in chiropractic care, and its role in bringing certainty and objectivity to detection of vertebral subluxations Much of the currently available technology doesn’t just measure the spine itself – it also plays a role in demonstrating that the nervous system is involved further afield. Fletcher illustrates how…

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Elderly Falls

Chiropractic Care And Falls Prevention In Older People  

Story at-a-glance This Randomized Controlled Trial showed that chiropractic can help improve function in older people, with a possible impact on their overall health and quality of life. We should encourage older adults to get checked! There was a really big improvement in one of the measures as a result of more than 4 weeks…

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New Research Busts Chiropractic Cost Myth 

Concerns around the cost of chiropractic care may possibly contribute to many a person’s objection. For those who don’t quite understand its value, it can appear as a health care practice that eats into the budget, rather than a proactive investment into ongoing health. Recent research is starting to bust that myth, claiming that costs…

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The Benefits Of Fermented Foods  

Fermented foods seem to have taken the health-world by storm in recent years. Kombucha is no longer an obscure concept, but a health fixture in many households. While many prefer the bottled and purchased variety, others are dedicated in the home-fermentation process and laud the gut-healing effects that the fermented drink yields. But Kombucha is…

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Sneaky Ways To Introduce Mindfulness And Relaxation  

As health practitioners, we know stress can be bad for health. It can act as a barrier to adaptation and put undue pressure on the endocrine system. It can fire up the sympathetic nervous system designed only for fight or flight, and keep it fired up for an extended amount of time.  But try telling…

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Can Chiropractic Care Decrease Inflammatory Markers? 

With an encouraging bank of evidence slowly building around the chiropractic profession, and a world of work yet to be done, it’s important to mark each positive move in terms of research. One such study that may have flown under the radar focused on the link between chiropractic care and inflammatory markers, giving preliminary indications…

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A Snapshot Of The Practical Neurology Of The Subluxation

How many of us in our clinics have seen individuals become pregnant under chiropractic care, where they were never able to become pregnant before? How many of us have seen individuals with depressed immune systems suddenly become well by being adjusted? How many children have we seen whose immune or behaviour issues dramatically improved while…

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The Experience Economy – Does It Apply To Chiropractic? 

In 1998, James Gilmore and Joe Pine of the Harvard Business Review wrote an article that tracked the development of consumerism over decades. It was called “Welcome to the Experience Economy” and it introduced a powerful phenomenon that has changed the face of how we shop, not just for goods but for services as well.…

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Haavik And Murphy Win Scott Haldeman Award For Research 

A collaboration between chiropractic research leaders Dr. Heidi Haavik and Dr. Bernadette Murphy has reaped international recognition, as the World Federation of Chiropractic bestowed the Scott Haldeman Award on their work. The award winning study was facilitated by the Australian Spinal Research Foundation. The study titled ‘Neck pain participants show impaired ability to perform a…

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Chiropractic In The Future: An Interview With Dr. Gerard Clum

The chiropractor’s role has changed greatly over the last forty years. As it evolves further into the future there comes a necessity to marry two powerful aspects of our cause: the philosophy of vitalism and the evidence base for what we do. Dr Gerry Clum sat down with Spinal Research following the Dynamic Growth Congress…

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Neurogenesis And How To Impact It 

Neurogenesis, or the birth of new brain cells, has long been associated with the increasingly popular topic of neuroplasticity. As research on this relatively new topic advances, we are also starting to see that cognitive decline with aging need not be something we simply accept. Up until the 1990’s, the major school of thought surrounding…

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