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Spinal Research Blog


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The Possible Clinical Applications Of Heart Rate Variability

Living bodies are dynamic, open loop systems with definite boundaries that are characterised by a stable form and structure. The continued preservation of that form and structure requires millions of adaptive processes every second in a constantly changing interaction between the system and it’s shifting environment. Early models of this concept were described in the…

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Study Reveals Inconsistency Between Leg Length Inequality Assessments

A common inclusion in many chiropractic protocols is the leg length inequality assessment. In fact, it would be a rare chiropractor that hasn’t performed them in his/her time in practice. A recent paper published in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine has compared two approaches to this task and emerged with results that should be enlightening,…

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Arthritis – A Nutritional Approach to Pain Management

As our patients become older, the wear and tear on their joints begins to take its toll. As joint degeneration progresses, their lives may become restricted to activities which do not cause them pain, and this may limit their ability to exercise. Helping our patients to live the best quality of life possible, to help…

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Chiropractic And The Senses – Part 2: Hearing

Following part one of our series on chiropractic care and the senses, we are now putting the first of the big five on the agenda: hearing. In the part one, we talked about proprioception – our sense of where we are in space. While its obvious that all the senses work together to give us…

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Simple Solutions to Extinguish Inflammatory Conditions

Inflammation – the Link to All Disease There is no doubt that inflammation is the underlying driver that touches the most number of patients. Every pathological condition in existence, whether it be a joint condition, mood disorders, cardiovascular disease or cancer holds some sort of inflammatory link. These days, all too many patients report chronic…

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The Six Senses and Chiropractic Part 1: Proprioception

In days gone by, the strongest evidence surrounding chiropractic pertained only to lower back pain or the realms of musculoskeletal complaints. While that might be the definition that the uninformed still hold us to, it’s no longer solely what the evidence illustrates. We are now seeing increasing evidence that chiropractic care can change the structure…

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When Medical Science Backs Chiropractic

It’s a common, yet misguided, assumption often repeated around the traps: that chiropractic isn’t an evidence-based profession or that it is somehow at odds with traditional medicine. Whilst the former is categorically untrue (just ask the university students who spend thousands of study hours immersed in the evidence), the latter is like comparing apples and…

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Segmental To Brain Based Thinking – Where Are You And Your Practice At?

Traditionally, chiropractic has been built on a model of segmental subluxation assessment and correction with local impacts and views of possible global affects on the central nervous system and overall health. The structural or biomechanical paradigm of segmental subluxation assessment is not without its challenges. For example, why do assessment findings often poorly correlate with…

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Low Vitamin B Linked To Anxiety Attacks

Among the increasingly common mental health challenges facing the western world population are panic and anxiety disorders. However, there is a growing body of evidence showing that these so-called ‘mental’ health issues are not purely mental – that nutrition and other areas of health are in fact linked to our mental and emotional state. Imagine…

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The Case for the Case Report

Chiropractic sits at an interesting junction in terms of research. We do indeed possess a strong evidence base when it comes to randomized control trials, especially those related to conditions like low back pain. But the evidence in the bank doesn’t yet cover every aspect of what we do. Furthering research is an expensive and…

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Paediatric Chiropractic Care: Part 1 -The State of Evidence

Few professions, and few patient populations within that profession, experience the unflinching scrutiny that seems fixed over the area of paediatric chiropractic care. Still, despite the ill-informed and ever-loud shouts of “There’s no evidence for that,” the knowledge bank keeps growing – and it’s full of good news. We now know that, when compared with…

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