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Spinal Research Blog


ASRF’s news at your finger tips

How Addictive Is Cheese And Other Food? 

A recent study has proven the addictive qualities of many popular foods. Unsurprisingly, highly-processed foods, or foods high in sugar, fat or glycaemic load were found to trigger areas of the brain involved with addiction. The actual top ten list varied somewhat from the perceived top ten list, but still the study revealed why certain foods keep us…

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Living Low Chemical – The Household Item Edition

An increasing number of people are looking to decrease the amount of toxins in their immediate environment, and for good reason too – stress can take one of four forms: physical, mental/emotional, electromagnetic and you guessed it, chemical. However, in our search for convenience, we’ve loaded ourselves up with chemicals. Many of them hiding in…

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The Process To Peak Performance

Jeff Spencer was not your typical child. Who else would get up at 4:30 in the morning to practice baseball, or spend a childhood dreaming of marching into an Olympic Stadium in the parade of nations [1]? That was Jeff though. Fast forward into adulthood and he is an ex-Olympic cyclist, coach to the elite,…

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The Art Of Reappraisal: What Neuroscience Tells Us About Anger

Anger is a part of life, just like stress, disappointment, failure, and the plethora of positive emotions that exist at the other end of the scale. However, anger is often an emotion we don’t know how to handle well. What’s the best course of action? Fight anger with anger? Vent? Suppress? Reappraise? Neuroscience has a…

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Leptins: How They Could Be Sabotaging Your Weight Loss

The weight loss formula is about as simple as it gets. If we consume more calories than we burn, we gain weight. If we burn more calories than we consume, we lose it. Yet for many of us, shifting unwanted kilograms just isn’t that easy. There could be many reasons for this – hormone imbalances,…

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Chronic Stress – The Effects On Your Brain

The hormone that wrecks the most damage on your brain and like a domino effect, on your body, is cortisol. Cortisol is a steroid hormone. It’s made by your two adrenal glands, one each found on top of your kidneys. But cortisol isn’t a bad hormone. In fact, when cortisol is under control, it’s a life sustaining…

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Communication And Context: How They Impact Decision Making

Part 3: Influence literature series As thoroughly evolved humans with fully functioning prefrontal cortexes, we like to think we are in control of our decisions. We like to believe that, even when it comes to the minutiae of life, we’re thinking things through and coming to our own conclusions. Behavioral economist and researcher Dan Ariely…

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Combining 2 Passions to Raise Funds

Dr Rob is a guy with a vision to bring together two things he loves – chiropractic and endurance sports – to “show his support for the important work the Foundation does”. We’re so excited to follow his journey and watch him participate in an amazing 4 day ultramarathon event in the Northern Territory. The…

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Studies Find Opiods Often Ineffective For Back Pain 

Every now and then a study comes along that makes you smile and think “Ah, I knew it!” This one landed quietly in JAMA Internal Medicine while we were all looking the other way. The New York Times did a tiny little blog piece on it, but for the most part, the world didn’t know the results of studies looking…

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Social Proof: What Is It And How Can I Improve It? 

What does a new customer do when there is no standard measurement of quality for the service they are looking into? When there is no 18 carat or 24 carat chiropractic, no rating for the quality of a personal trainer, or no five star scale on a restaurants door?   When it comes to such conundrums,…

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Stress And The Effects On Your Brain

We hear about stress all the time. It seems to be omnipresent in our lives. We regularly hear how it is bad for us, how we need to mitigate stress, how we need to implement stress-reducing activities like meditation or exercise. But do we really know what stress is? Or more pointedly, what stress is…

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Boosting The Immune System – The Natural Way 

Heading into the thick of winter means one thing for those of us who aren’t fortunate enough to live in the tropics: people have more colds and flues. And, there are some ways that you can boost your immune system in this season.  There are a number of reasons that this season can knock the…

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Neurogenesis – Making New Brain Cells

Mothers of newborns notice how impaired their memory is.  Old people report that their co-ordination and spatial awareness isn’t as good as it used to be.  And people under high levels of stress complain of similar symptoms, their memory isn’t as sharp, they struggle to recall simple events or conversations and their mental agility isn’t as quick…

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The Law Of Reciprocity

Part 1: The Influence Literature Series “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place,” said George Bernard Shaw. He wasn’t wrong either. The art of effective communication is something that takes time, practice and research. For the chiropractic profession, it’s a pursuit that seems to be becoming increasingly important…

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Science Says “Eat Your Spinach”  

One of life’s great ironies is that the advancement of research often proves that, old wives tales notwithstanding, the sensible wisdom of old can be right on the money. The latest to be proven is the reason why we should be eating our spinach – a phrase many of us wouldn’t have heard since childhood…

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