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Simon Senzon’s Ten Papers Released

The Journal of Chiropractic Humanities latest release has carried all ten of Simon Senzon’s papers on the Chiropractic Vertebral Subluxation and is now available online (open access). The papers, which present a comprehensive overview of and insight into the Chiropractic Vertebral Subluxation from 1897 onwards, delves into a range of issues. It looks at early…

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Case Report: Reduction in Anxiety while under Chiropractic Care

As our understanding of stress, subluxation, and the effect of chiropractic on the brain grows, it’s a curious thing that research has yet to definitively prove the effect of chiropractic care on mental health (including depression and anxiety). So far, we have seen two clinical trials on the matter, one examining blood pressure and anxiety…

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Reducing Neuroinflammation: How the Vagus Might Be Key

With each passing year, and with each new chiropractic-based study released, we are gaining a little more understanding as to how chiropractic might influence the brain.  While there’s a lot of work yet to do, the evidence we have is pointing to a world of possibilities when it comes to neuroplasticity and human performance. Still, there…

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Chiropractic Care After Stroke: An Interview with the Researchers

This month, a study looking at chiropractic and stroke was published, offering insight into how chiropractic may potentially assist patients in their recovery. Dr David Russell (chiropractor and friend of the Foundation) caught up with the brains behind the research, Dr’s Kelly Holt and Imran Niazi, to talk about the clinical applications, complementary case studies,…

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Chiropractic Linked to Quicker Reaction Times

In 2016, Baarbe et al released a study investigating subclinical neck pain and patients ability to perform a mental rotation task. The study threw light on the connection between subclinical neck pain and slower reaction times when it came to performing such tasks [1]. The study followed work by Kelly, Murphy and Backhouse, which showed…

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Stroke Study Published

A long awaited study on the effect of chiropractic care for stroke patients has been released, with the journal ‘Scientific Reports’ carrying Dr Kelly Holts latest offering. The study examined whether or not chiropractic care “could increase strength in weak plantar flexor muscles in chronic stroke patients [1].” Results are in and they are encouraging.…

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Leg Strength and Brain Health – Why we need to get checked and get moving

Frontiers in Neuroscience recently published an article that highlighted the links between large muscles in the leg and brain health. It has been reported that the study fundamentally alters brain and nervous system medicine “giving doctors new clues as to why patients with motor neuron disease, multiple sclerosis, spinal muscular atrophy and other neurological diseases…

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Chiropractic Care and Human Performance

In 2006, three researchers undertook a study looking at the effect of chiropractic adjustments on movement time [1]. They were looking specifically at Fitt’s Law – a model of human movement based on pointing and manipulation tasks involving computers.  The group was small, with just ten participants. But a significant change was noted in the…

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Chiropractic and Consciousness Part 4: The non-neurological correlates

In the last three weeks, we have covered many aspects of chiropractic’s interaction with consciousness, all involving the brain. The brain and consciousness have some level of interaction, and chiropractic could impact that interaction via neurological pathways (as has been reviewed in the previous articles) as well as via other mechanisms, which is the focus…

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Correcting the Thoracic Kyphosis – Systematic Review Published

It’s a postural phenomenon once driven by age, now arguably driven also by technology. The head drops forward, and the thoracic kyphosis increases beyond normal physiological parameters. Other postural adjustments take place in order to keep the head upright – with the lumbar and cervical curves often implicated. The results can range from low back…

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Functional Neurology through a Chiropractic Specific Lens

To some, functional neurology is somewhat outside the chiropractic modality. To others, it is central to everything we do. When a recent article hit the Journal of Chiropractic and Manual Therapies, alleging that there was no evidence for the effectiveness of functional neurology, it provided an opportunity to reflect on common misunderstandings that surround the…

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Functional Neurology: What is it And Where is the Evidence?

A recent article has hit the Journal of Chiropractic and Manual Therapies concluding that their search parameters found “no acceptable evidence on the effect or benefit of FN [functional neurology] in relation to various conditions and purported indications for intervention [1].“ On face value, it’s a damning review of a practice that spans not only…

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