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Spinal Research Blog


ASRF’s news at your finger tips

Chiropractic in the Management of Dysmenorrhea – Case Report

Yes, we are talking about period pain today. Sadly, period pain is a reality for many people. While there are levels to that, dysmenorrhea lies at the extreme end of the spectrum, where severe pain and tenderness interferes with daily activities. Sufferers may be forced to miss days of work or school, and often have…

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RCT Examines Neurodynamic Interventions in Multiple Sclerosis Patients

Autoimmune disorders are a broad family of illnesses and syndromes, and their management is a serious issue for consideration as the pain and inflammation that comes with the disorders is ongoing in its nature. Thus, when a new study comes out looking at neurodynamic interventions for Multiple Sclerosis (delivered via manual therapy), we are all…

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Resolution of Facial Palsy under Chiropractic Care: A Case Report

A new case report has just hit the Asia Pacific Chiropractic Journal, covering a novel presentation of facial paralysis in a 13-month-old child. Facial palsy is a rare and complex condition, that differs greatly in its prognosis depending on whether it is congenital or due to a birth trauma. Either way, the chiropractic management of…

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The Therapeutic Alliance: How Important is Trust?

Although it may have not always been the case, we now accept that trust between patient and health practitioner can greatly impact how a patient perceives the quality of their treatment and the clinical outcomes. This is potentially as true for chiropractors and the people under they care for as it is for other health…

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Mind-Trauma -Muscle-Inhibition

Mind, Trauma & Muscle Inhibition: New Study

With all we know about the brain, you’d think we’d have the full picture when it comes to memories. Yet research is still revealing more about things like Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), complex PTSD and other disorders. A paper recently appearing in the Asia Pacific Chiropractic Journal has thrown a new consideration into the fray…

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Mitigating the Opioid Crisis

Mitigating the Opioid Crisis – What can chiropractors do?

The opioid crisis has been a topic of concern for health practitioners for a number of years now. While the USA is the most affected country with 70% of all overdose deaths in 2018 involving opioids, many of the same issues exist in Australia and other countries, prompting calls for proactive intervention from health professionals.…

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Case Report Examines Asperger’s Symptoms under Chiropractic Care

Case Report Examines Asperger’s Symptoms under Chiropractic Care

Few conditions inspire the type of passion and debate that follows Autism Spectrum Disorders. Research is giving us increasing understanding when it comes to the different ways in which Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD’s) can present, and campaigns around inclusivity and neurodiversity are (hopefully) making it a kinder world into which people on the…

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Case Report Examines Neurological Atrophy

Case Report Examines Neurological Atrophy

t has often been said that chiropractors are doctors of the nervous system. The brain and spinal cord are what we care for, and this very brain and spinal cord connect via the peripheral nervous system to every muscle and fibre in the body. So, if this is true, then it logically follows that we…

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When Back Pain isn’t Just Back Pain

When Back Pain isn’t Just Back Pain: Case Report

A thorough history and examination is always an important aspect of the chiropractic experience. We know what we are looking for, and we know the red flags. But a case report appearing in the Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association presents a very compelling case for taking note when the symptoms change, or when something…

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