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Combining 2 Passions to Raise Funds

Dr Rob is a guy with a vision to bring together two things he loves – chiropractic and endurance sports – to “show his support for the important work the Foundation does”. We’re so excited to follow his journey and watch him participate in an amazing 4 day ultramarathon event in the Northern Territory. The…

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Studies Find Opiods Often Ineffective For Back Pain 

Every now and then a study comes along that makes you smile and think “Ah, I knew it!” This one landed quietly in JAMA Internal Medicine while we were all looking the other way. The New York Times did a tiny little blog piece on it, but for the most part, the world didn’t know the results of studies looking…

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Social Proof: What Is It And How Can I Improve It? 

What does a new customer do when there is no standard measurement of quality for the service they are looking into? When there is no 18 carat or 24 carat chiropractic, no rating for the quality of a personal trainer, or no five star scale on a restaurants door?   When it comes to such conundrums,…

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Stress And The Effects On Your Brain

We hear about stress all the time. It seems to be omnipresent in our lives. We regularly hear how it is bad for us, how we need to mitigate stress, how we need to implement stress-reducing activities like meditation or exercise. But do we really know what stress is? Or more pointedly, what stress is…

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Boosting The Immune System – The Natural Way 

Heading into the thick of winter means one thing for those of us who aren’t fortunate enough to live in the tropics: people have more colds and flues. And, there are some ways that you can boost your immune system in this season.  There are a number of reasons that this season can knock the…

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Neurogenesis – Making New Brain Cells

Mothers of newborns notice how impaired their memory is.  Old people report that their co-ordination and spatial awareness isn’t as good as it used to be.  And people under high levels of stress complain of similar symptoms, their memory isn’t as sharp, they struggle to recall simple events or conversations and their mental agility isn’t as quick…

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The Law Of Reciprocity

Part 1: The Influence Literature Series “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place,” said George Bernard Shaw. He wasn’t wrong either. The art of effective communication is something that takes time, practice and research. For the chiropractic profession, it’s a pursuit that seems to be becoming increasingly important…

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Science Says “Eat Your Spinach”  

One of life’s great ironies is that the advancement of research often proves that, old wives tales notwithstanding, the sensible wisdom of old can be right on the money. The latest to be proven is the reason why we should be eating our spinach – a phrase many of us wouldn’t have heard since childhood…

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Iodine: Research Reveals Supplementation Paradox 

Iodine is a powerful element needed for the production of thyroid hormone, that it helps synthesize the hormones that regulate metabolism. Without it, the thyroid can’t function properly. Many of us are also aware that there’s an iodine deficiency problem in certain regions. There are actually estimates that up to 40% of the world’s population…

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Sleep Is Important In Detoxifying The Brain

Story at a glance:  As sleep continues, CSF floods the brain bathing each and every cell in the brain. The brain cells themselves shrink, in order to increase the space between the cells. This gave the CSF more surface area to cover. The clearance of amyloid-beta (a protein produced by brain cells) is much more…

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Data Backs The Connection Between Emotional And Physical Health 

One of the foundational concepts of chiropractic is the connection between the brain and the body. This notion that the brain and body affect each other in profound ways is cemented into our everyday practice. Yet for the most part, western medicine has been a little slower to embrace the connection between mental, emotional and…

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The Golden Circle: How To Inspire Action 

“People don’t buy what you do. People buy why you do it.”   This is the statement that lies at the heart of Simon Sinek’s groundbreaking book “Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action,” and his Ted Talk on the same topic. Both works are grounded in Sinek’s analyses of great leaders…

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Self-Compassion May Help Fight Inflammation 

A study recently published in the Journal of Brain, Behaviour and Immunity reveals an interesting link between our view of ourselves and our levels of interleukin-6, a pro-inflammatory cytokine instrumental in the human inflammatory response.  The study took 41 healthy, adult participants and exposed them to some psychosocial stressors that most of us find pretty…

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Chiropractic Missions

The desire to contribute to something that is bigger than yourself is something that seems hardwired into the human psyche. For as long as history remembers, people have found humanitarian missions an incredible way to answer this need. It opens eyes and instills a deep sense of satisfaction as you make a contribution to a…

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Ideas That Spread 

“It’s the best thing since sliced bread!”  How many times have you heard that expression? The humble invention of pre-sliced bread seems to have become the benchmark for good ideas in modern times. Perhaps you’d find it interesting to know that for the first 15 years in the life of sliced bread, no one bought…

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