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Online Learning

Exclusive Members Videos and Online Resources

Dr Angus Pyke - Staying Connected

An exclusive Members gift for you! Dr Angus Pyke offers up a training session on how to easily create different types of video’s, to help you stay connected with your community and remain front-of-mind with your practice members. (28 Minutes)

Dr Angus Pyke - Social Media Video's - 'Stop the Scroll'

Another gift for you! Dr Angus Pyke has created this training session on how to create engaging video content to “stop the scroll”! Learn from an expert about how to use video as a way to grow your practice. (22 Minutes)

Dr Bettina Tornatora & Dr Jim Karagiannis

In this exclusive video, Jim and Bettina from – LUX Consulting Group offer up some great insights for our Members! (23 Minutes)

Dr Monique Andrews Subluxation Neurology

Dave Fletcher CLA Intro Video FLA Webinar

David Russell - The Gathering #1

In memory of our dear friend, Dave Russell.

David Russell - The Gathering #2

In memory of our dear friend, Dave Russell.

Proximity Capital - Key Steps Leading Into a Loan Application

Exclusive Members Content – Video + PDF Download

Whenever someone is preparing to apply for a loan, whether it be for their first home, a business, a practice or commercial real estate for example, there are specific things that an applicant can do that increases their chances of success.

Lenders, and in particular commercial lenders make a credit analysis assessment on the strength of an application and the applicant using what is known as the 5 Cs.

Join Dr’s Billy Chow and Jim Karagiannis from Proximity Capital, for an in-depth look at how to prepare for a loan application.

Splice Marketing - Marketing Strategies For Thriving Chiropractic Practice

5 Pillars Of A Thriving Practice

The Australian Spinal Research Foundation partnered with Splice Marketing (Health and Medical Marketing Agency) to offer a three-part webinar series – Marketing Strategies For A Thriving Chiropractic Practice.

5 Pillars For A Thriving Practice is a practical session that will teach you the 5 marketing foundations for a thriving practice – Point of difference, target market, traffic, conversions and retention. The webinar shares with you Splice Marketing’s secrets and the tactics they use to identify where to focus time and energy, so you can take your learnings and adapt them to your practice.

This series also covers common questions around compliance and ethical marketing answered by Jeanette Jifkins, Principal Lawyer, OnyxOnlineLaw.

Part One

Part Two

Part Three