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Spinal Research Blog


ASRF’s news at your finger tips

How chiropractors may influence immunity: Zinc supplementation

In chiropractic circles, it is commonly said that subluxations are caused by trauma, toxins and stress. In turn, these subluxations, which ASRF defines as ”a diminished state of being, comprising a state of reduced coherence, altered biomechanical function, altered neurological function and altered adaptability” can manifest increased inflammation. Why? A system that cannot adapt to…

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New Study Takes Aim at Primary Spine Care in Conventional Settings

Try as we might to move the conversation away from back pain, for which there is evidence aplenty, a new study has taken aim at the management of spine-related disorders in the primary care environment. It’s an interesting take on a complex issue, as management of spine-related disorders (SRDs), including back pain, remains the largest…

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New Study Examines Stress and Burnout in Chiropractic Students

University education is often a time of life synonymous with stress, sleep deprivation, and tears (along with all the youthful upsides). While this can be true for many disciplines in the world of tertiary education, our budding health professionals seem are known to have some of the most difficult courses to undertake in their careers.…

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Study Examines Effects of Weekly Pain Monitoring on Back Pain Outcomes

It is no secret that chronic diseases contribute heavily to the global burden of disease, and that musculoskeletal conditions such as back and neck pain are big contributors to causes of disability. Thus, it is imperative that people living with these conditions have the best skills and knowledge possible to manage these conditions in everyday…

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Chiropractic and Oral-Surgical Co-Management of an Acute Jaw Injury

One of the beauties of chiropractic is that, in some cases, it provides a drug-free, surgery-free health care option. However, usually when we think of this, we think of back and neck pain. A new case report published in the Journal of Contemporary Chiropractic has brought a new option to the fore – chiropractic co-management…

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HVLA and Heart Failure

Heart failure is a condition that develops when there are issues with the heart that impede its ability to efficiently pump blood around the body. There are a variety of causes that initiate the development of this condition, but most often heart failure is caused by another medical condition that impacts your heart – things…

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Income as a Predictor for Coping with Chronic Back Pain

How can we predict how well a person will cope with pain or respond to management in terms of chronic back pain? It might sound like an unanswerable question, but in a recent blog, we discussed research predicting how well a person will respond to chiropractic care. Now there is research with another predictor that…

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Chiropractic Management of MND

A recent case report, the first to emerge from ASRF’s Case Report Project, has been published in the Asia Pacific Chiropractic Journal. The novel report discussed the case of a 30-year-old male who had been diagnosed with Motor Neuron Disease (ALS type) [1]. This devastating and fatal disease is carries a poor prognosis with disease…

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