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Spinal Research Blog


ASRF’s news at your finger tips

Case Reports Examine Chronic Pain and Mental Health

The world of medical research is not unfamiliar with the pattern: chronic pain and presentations of poor mental health often go together. It’s a well-established comorbidity. This often brings with it a sensible question – which came first? Did the chronic pain trigger the presentation of mental illness, or did the mental illness increase the…

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ASRF-Funded projects approved in 2023

As the Australian Spinal Research Foundation, our core business is to serve the chiropractic profession through all things vertebral subluxation research. So it is with great pleasure that we announce the results of the latest funding round. This group of studies will, of course, take time. But as they emerge, they will enrich our understanding of…

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The Big C: Post Chemo Neurological Deficits and Chiropractic Care

We know that the Big C – cancer – is a life-interrupting event. While medical research advances the ways in which cancer can be treated, it remains a daunting diagnosis and usually an arduous treatment regimen. While cancer is definitely one of those situations in which usual medical care is a life-saving or life-prolonging necessity,…

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Listening to the Nervous System When It Talks

When discussing the significance of case reports and larger studies, we often return to the impact of the intervention on the nervous system. Usually, we are referring to things like sympathetic activity, parasympathetic activity, stress, and adaptability. So, we thought it was time to take a step back from individual studies and refresh our knowledge…

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Retrospective Study Looks at Zygomatic Range of Motion Testing

The Sacro Occipital Technique is a popular chiropractic technique deployed to check and adjust subluxations from the occiput (the next area) to the sacrum (at the base of the spine). Right from pregnancy and infancy, this technique can be delivered across the lifespan and altered to suit the age and strength of the individual under…

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Paper Examines Chiropractic, Concussion and Salivary Biomarkers

In recent years, research and some high-profile cases of athletes developing Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (thought to be related to repeated head injuries) have advanced our understanding of just how serious concussions can be. No longer is it a case of “take a painkiller and sleep it off under observation. We are now aware of the…

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Posture correction – from top to pigeon toe: new case report

We are used to hearing reports of chiropractic care being useful for the correction of postural abnormalities. That happy side-effect of subluxation-based care is so common that it’s almost to be expected. Pigeon toes, though – now that’s so rare that it hasn’t been spotted yet in chiropractic literature. In fact, traditional treatment is usually…

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Case report examines sural neuropathy under chiropractic care

We like to say that Chiropractors are doctors of the nervous system. That is, we care for and nurture the brain and spinal cord and can also support many other aspects of nervous system health. So it should come as no surprise that neuropathy falls under this generous heading. Neuropathy (sometimes known as peripheral neuropathy)…

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Case Report Shines Light on Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

It doesn’t seem like too long ago when Thoracic Outlet Syndrome was unheard of, or at least a controversial diagnosis. It’s been called many names over the course of the last few decades, but the short version of the condition is this: there is a rich network of nerves and blood vessels that exit the…

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New Case Series Examines Similarities in Three Bed-Wetting Cases

Bedwetting is a problem we know well. Technically called “nocturnal enuresis”, it occurs when a child is old enough for the bladder to be neurologically and physically developed to the point the child can remain dry at night. But according to the data, about 8% of children suffer from bedwetting past this point. The prevalence…

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Pudendal Neuralgia: A case for chiropractic intervention

The topic of this blog article isn’t a particularly common one. While you may have heard of it, it’s quite possible this one may not yet have crossed you path. Pudendal Neuralgia (PN) is a form of peripheral nerve entrapment that causes numbness or pain in the pelvis or genitals. Occurring in just 1 in…

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