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Patrick Gentempo – Bridging The Science/Philosophy Divide

“Many chiropractors feel like they are second class citizens in the world of health care and in the world of evidence. I’m showing up to make the argument that our evidence is robust, and its something we should be celebrating and promulgating not apologizing for,” says Patrick Gentempo of his visit to the Australia this…

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Book Review: Grain Brain By David Perlmutter MD

Since its publication in 2013, Grain Brain by Dr. David Perlmutter has been making waves [1]. Written by a practicing neurologist and fellow of the American College of Nutrition, this book is a well-written and compelling read from a renowned doctor with a unique combination of credentials. Grain Brain gives us a close and well-researched…

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PTSD, Adaptation And Chiropractic

In terms of stress and adaptation, few examples are so emotive as the currently-topical issue of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It is estimated that 1.4 million Australians have PTSD at any one time, this number making up 6.4% of the population. Not all of these cases are combat related either. In fact, they come…

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Enhancing Neural Plasticity – Max Cynader

“Neurons that fire together, wire together,” says Max Cynader, a well-regarded Canadian Ophthalmologist and Neuroscientist, as he takes the TED Talks stage. It might be a common phrase to anyone who studied psychology at school, but to scientists and researchers, its applications are far from academic. It’s all rooted in the idea that “Contiguity breeds…

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Epigenetics: Why Your Genetic Future Isn’t Set In Stone

For decades, the central dogma of genetics told us that our DNA dictated our future, that at the moment of conception our health destiny was set in stone. We believed that DNA was the molecule that controlled our life, programming us towards certain health realities. It was an inheritance that shaped our future. The DNA…

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Palmer College Of Chiropractic Releases Latest Gallup Poll

Palmer College of Chiropractic recently commissioned Gallup to design and conduct a study of more than 5,000 adults aged over 18 in the USA. The purpose was to discover attitudes to chiropractic care and the chiropractic profession. The results were released on September 8 2015. This study is the first of its kind, being that…

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Can The Mind Heal The Body? Why Compassionate Care Matters

The philosophy of vitalism that many chiropractors subscribe to holds that the force that sustains the body, heals the body. It’s a philosophical standpoint that some love and others are neutral to. After all, we have a mounting pile of proof that chiropractic works. We have thousands of happy people leaving our practices feeling better,…

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Todd Sampson’s Design Your Brain

Brain plasticity, or neuroplasticity, is a topic that many neurologists, scientists and chiropractors have known about for quite some time. Todd Sampson’s ‘Redesign my Brain’ is a TV miniseries that set about trialing the concept in practical ways, making the topic easily understandable to people from all walks of life. Series one aired in 2013,…

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The Impacts Of Electromagnetic Stimulation On Sleep

For some, bedtime is relaxing. The cares of the day fall away as you are lulled into the land of nod, where you rest and recharge before awaking fresh and ready to face the new day. For many others, this scenario is but a dream. Bedtime for them is a time of frustration marred by…

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Gamifying Research: How MIT Is Mapping The Brain

Of all the organs in the body, the brain is surely the most complex. So much so that despite the all the advancements of the modern age, no computer equaling its flexibility and processing power has yet been developed. There are literally billions of neurons and synapses that make up this complex system, hence mapping…

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