Here we are at the end of what may seem like the longest year in modern memory. While it will go down in the history books as the year of the Covid-19 Pandemic, it has been a time of incredible and almost unprecedented activity here at the Australian Spinal Research Foundation. So here, in the last blog post of the year, it seemed like a good time to celebrate this year’s wins and let you know what is to come for us in 2021.
Spoiler alert: it’s going to be an exciting year!
As our members know, the Australia Spinal Research Foundation prides itself on being the only Not-for-Profit research foundation dedicated solely to investigating the subluxation. We are sneaking up on our 44th birthday, and as we do, we are able to say that we are now an international foundation with international members and board directors, with an acclaimed research agenda that drives every cent of our research spending.
Our trademarked, two-panel review system has served us and our donor base well in that every study funded by ASRF advances our understanding of the subluxation. We stand firmly behind this direction as the term subluxation is what drives us in our service of the chiropractic profession, but it remains a much discussed and debated term.
We know that chiropractic works. It is our honour and our passion to advance the understanding as to why. Our medium for answering that question is research. This year, as in years past, we have been able to partner with amazing, world leading researchers in delivering original, ground-breaking subluxation-based research. We are also proud of the efficiency with which our grant recipients spend the donor dollar.
This year, Dr Craig Foote wrapped an impressive season of boards service in which he shepherded the foundation through massive restructures and the creation of our acclaimed research agenda. He handed the reigns to previous communications portfolio holder and board member, Dr Ryan Seaman, who looks forward to a big year in 2021. “Thanks to the hard work of Dr Craig and the rest of the board and team, we have been able to reach the end of this year in a strong position to launch into 2021. There is a lot to do, but the vision and momentum is there. With a couple of new additions to the board, and some incredible efforts by some of our overseas partners and donors, we know 2021 is going to be a big year for the foundation.”
We remain completely independent and financially self-sufficient. Not only that, but in an incredibly difficult year economically across the globe, we have continued to invest in research and are set to increase this next year with a number of exciting projects. These include:
- A new case-study project launching in March (Spinal Research Hero Month)
- A chiropractic kid’s book in partnership with one of our new board members, Marcus Chacos
- The Subluxation Summit, also run by Marcus Chacos, which we will bring you more information about soon.
- The continuation of the renowned chiropractic “Jumpstart Program” for student chiropractors.
- The second edition of “The Case for Chiropractic” to be released in Australia.
From the team at the Australian Spinal Research Foundation, we want to send out a huge thanks to our members, donors and supporters. Without you, we couldn’t do what we do in advancing the understanding of and research behind the subluxation. We can’t wait to partner with you to get more done in 2021.
Until then, a safe and happy holiday season to all of you.