While chiropractic research is showing promising results in many fields, from reduced pain to increased performance, we have yet to examine the impact of chiropractic on recovery time after significant injury or health emergency. Recovery following an injury can be difficult to predict and compare between individuals as there are so many factors that go into it. With that said, pain is the most popular metric to look at in cases of injury recovery, as it can be quantifiably measured and is most often at the forefront of reports as it is a primary concern of patients.
However, it’s important to recognise that there is more to recovery than pain reduction.
The Asia Pacific Chiropractic Journal published an ASRF case report detailing the Chiropractic management of an individual recovering from biventricular failure and a potentially fatal pulmonary embolism. In a truly unnerving medical emergency, the results should have been catastrophic. However, the patient in question not only survived but was back at work within weeks. This confounded all the medical predictions for her situation.
While we can’t say for sure that chiropractic was the confounding factor, we can say that the objective findings in the aftermath showed rapid increases in heart and physical function, and rapid decreases in pain. Read the rest for yourself!
The Case
A fit and healthy 36-year-old female who was under regular Chiropractic care experienced a life-threatening incident following a long-haul flight from the USA to Brisbane, Australia. Prior to the incident the patient, who was energetic, active, and asymptomatic, collapsed soon after landing and suffered three seizures. Upon arrival at the hospital, she was diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism (PE) coupled with biventricular failure. This condition was attributed to a combination of factors, including the prolonged flight and her use of combined oral contraceptive pills (COCP). The patient underwent ECMO, intubation and was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit for four days. During this time, the patient also received blood transfusions and heparin infusions.
Initial CT scans revealed extensive bilateral pulmonary emboli and evidence of right ventricular strain, indicating severe cardiovascular compromise. At the time of diagnosis, the patient’s heart function was only at 15%, and her oxygen levels were critically low. However, routine vital sign monitoring during hospitalisation showed normalisation of blood pressure and oxygen levels, albeit with persistently elevated resting heart rates ranging from 112 to 125 beats per minute. Upon discharge, the patient was still recording elevated resting heart rates between 110 and 119 and she was experiencing what was, for her, significant fatigue.
Following her discharge, the patient immediately sought chiropractic care. A thorough examination revealed lumbopelvic dysfunction due to the ECMO procedure and sutures over the right femoral artery. She also presented with a significantly reduced range of motion (ROM) in the cervical and lumbar regions. A chiropractic care plan was devised, and she accepted a moderate course of care spanning six visits in three weeks. This regime of care aligned with the patient’s Chiropractic philosophy.
Treatment modalities included diversified techniques, sacro-occipital technique (SOT) blocks, and Thompson drop piece adjustments. The primary goals of care were to improve the patient’s resting heart rate, lumbopelvic function, and autonomic nervous system response.
Throughout the course of treatment, the patient’s vital signs gradually improved, with resting heart rates showing marked pre and post-adjustment changes. By the fifth visit, her fatigue had significantly reduced, and she was able to return to work at full capacity. Objective findings confirmed improvements in the range of motion, particularly in the right lower extremity and lumbopelvic region affected by the ECMO procedure. Remarkably, a repeat electrocardiogram (ECG) and heart ultrasound three weeks post-discharge was deemed to have heart function returned to within normal limits. This was, by all accounts, remarkably shorter than the expected recovery time, allowing the patient to resume her daily activities with minimal disruption.
When it came to her traditional medical oversight, it was decided that she would not require life-long heart medication as would usually be expected in a case like this.
As always, case reports offer limited scope for making definitive claims as they pertain to individual cases. However, this case highlights the potential benefits of chiropractic care in supporting recovery from severe medical incidents such as pulmonary embolism and biventricular failure. The patient’s swift and remarkable recovery, coupled with the collaborative efforts of medical and chiropractic professionals, underscores the importance of integrative approaches to patient care. Further research into the role of chiropractic care in rehabilitation and reducing the burden of disease warrants exploration to enhance patient outcomes and quality of life.
Read the full case report at the reference below.
e: Luu J, Atkinson B, Postlethwaite R, McIvor C. Restored heart function and reduced recovery time in a 36-year-old female patient following a Pulmonary Embolism and induced coma: A case report. Asia-Pac Chiropr J. 2024;4.4. apcj.net/papers-issue-4-4/#LuuPE