Myofascial Scapular Rotator Muscles on Muscle Recruitment Pattern

Myofascial pain syndromes are prevalent in the commnnity with Chiropractors often managing these conditions in their practices. Myofascial trigger points are the hallmark clinical sign of myofascial pain syndromes and often develop as a secondary condition to other musculoskeletal injuries. Myofascial trigger points can be associated with vertebral subluxation, both of which can contribute to…

Chiro Scope Practice: Exploring Chiro Contribution SelfCare

Although the chiropractic profession has yet to agree upon its scope of practice, it appears that chiropractic is emerging as an independent limited health profession in modem society. In reality, chiropractors usually function at the community: health care system interface, a level of health care at which health professionals are expected to actively engage in…

intra interexam reliab chiro det manipulable lesion patients back

Aims To determine the intra- and interexaminer reliability of chiropractic methods used to detect manipulable lesions in patients with chronic low back pain. Methods This study is an intra- and interexaminer reliability study.  Four chiropractors will examine twenty patients suffering from chronic mechanical low back pain.  The examination will consist of common methods that are…

Clinical Trial Measure Effect Chiro Treatment Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia syndrome is a multifaceted disorder characterised by chronic widespread pain, tenderness to pressure, stiffness, sleep disturbances and emotional distress. It is 1O to 20 times more common in females than males. Typically, the patient feels “sore all over”. It is considered to be the most common cause of chronic widespread musculoskeletal pain and is…

Influence Putative Cervical Vertebral Sublux Sympathetic Nerve

The chiropractic vertebral subluxation hypothesis proposes that a vertebral subluxation results in alterations in nerve activity in respect of that occurring during typical physiological movements or displacements of the vertebral column. We propose to examine the role of the vertebral displacement component of the vertebral subluxation by investigating the influence that displacement of an individual…


We investigated whether vibratory stimulation of the dorsal neck muscles activates fusimotor neurons of lower limb muscles in relaxed human subjects. Methods: The triceps surae (TS) muscles of seated subjects (n = 15) were conditioned to leave their muscle spindles in either an insensitive (hold-long) or sensitive (hold-short) state. A vibrator (80 HZ) was applied…

Psychological Profile Workers Compensation Patients Seek Chiro

ABSTRACT: This study describes the disability and outcome perceptions of acute and chronic workcare and non-workcare patients. RESEARCH METHOD: Eight chiropractors were requested to recruit patients, taking care to include workers compensation cases. Patients were requested to complete up to 3 questionnaires. The first questionnaire to be completed on admission, the second 3 weeks later…