Chiropractic, Sensorimotor Integration and Function

Research has shown that chiropractic adjustments can improve reaction time, improve the timing of when postural muscles switch on, and improve the ability to perform tasks requiring co-ordination. The part of the brain which could be involved with these effects is the cerebellum, receiving information from the joints and muscles and communicating with all the…

Neck pain biomarkers chiropractic outcomes

Neck pain has been estimated to occur in as many as 4 out of 5 individuals. For many, symptoms do not resolve. Healthcare and societal costs (work absenteeism, reduced productivity) associated with chronic neck pain are high and predicted to rise. Despite the common and successful use of chiropractic in patients with neck pain and…

Effect single chiropractic care brain source connectivity

Over the past decade there has been growing evidence to suggest that chiropractic care influences brain function. The researchers that have done this work have used sophisticated brain research methods such as measuring brain waves using electroencephalography (EEG). These studies have shown that adjusting subluxations in the spine alters function in various brain structures. However,…

Muscle thixotropy, subluxation and clumsiness

This project investigates the impact of the subluxation on joint position sense and movement. Chiropractors and their patients often report improvements in balance and coordination after having chiropractic care. In physiological terms, this may be defined as a decrease in the ability to accurately perceive where the limb is in space and how it is…

Chiropractic care cortical silent period

Chiropractic patients frequently report feeling great after an adjustment and experience results such as getting more out of their body, and coping more effectively with the stresses of daily life. Yet the ‘why’ behind these results has remained a subject of debate. Groundbreaking results of a recent research study suggest these positive outcomes are due…

Chiropractic adjustment and cervicogenic dizziness

Dizziness is a common problem that can lead to disability and impact on quality of life. In some cases of dizziness the cause can be attributed to pathology or dysfunction of upper cervical vertebral segments. This form of cervicogenic dizziness is characterized by symptoms of imbalance or spinning associated with neck pain, stiffness or headache.…

Neuropathy Supression by Spinal Manipulation

Chronic inflammation has vast consequences, possibly leading to life-threatening conditions, such as atherosclerosis and diabetes. This research investigates the relationship of the subluxation, neuropathy and IVF inflammation as well as the possibility that inflammation and its potential fatal consequences could be forestalled or even prevented by adjustments. Lumbar intervertebral foramen inflammation plays a critical role…

Effect chiropractic care cerebellar function

The overall objective of the proposed project is to investigate the role of the cerebellum in sensorimotor integration (SMI) following spinal adjustments in human participants who have pre-existing spinal dysfunction in the form of vertebral subluxations. The general hypothesis is that the cerebellum is the central integrator of proprioceptive input and that when the balance…