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Spinal Research Hero: James Staciwa

James Staciwa

Life Without Limits – From the Streets to the Mountaintop

In 2019, one of our Spinal Research Hero’s did something extraordinary. James Staciwa believes that we all have incredible innate potential, and this year he is helping to show that everybody, from the streets to the mountain tops, can literally live life without limits! From providing weekly Chiropractic care to the disadvantaged and underprivileged in Newcastle, NSW to competing in 3 xtreme triathlon and running challenges across 3 weekends, he is making the most of what amazing gifts life has to offer! And he is doing it all while raising funds for the Australian Spinal Research Foundation. Amazing stuff!

With an office right in the city centre of Newcastle, it’s been hard for James not to see the vulnerable and disadvantaged side of Newcastle’s community. Once a week for the past 3 months (and for the foreseeable future) James has been providing free ongoing Chiropractic care at Soul Café, for people who are homeless, have a mental illness, substance abuse issue or live in poverty.

If the thought of things like swimming for kilometres in frigid icy lakes (we’re talking Alaska here!), riding 180km while climbing 2,500+ metres on the bike, then running a full mountain marathon with 1000’s of metres of climbing in one straight day makes you feel slightly terrified, we’re with you! But then…doing it all again the following weekend on the other side of the continent in a different country. Then again the week after that, with the ‘Xman Adventure’! The word EPIC comes to mind.

James was not content to just go to Alaska, Canada and San Diego to participate in these incredible events…he wanted to make it mean bigger things. James asked friends, family and community to donate to Spinal Research and contribute to his event costs. In return, he will continue to provide free ongoing chiropractic care in the community.  From the Streets to the Mountaintop, he believes we can all live life without limits & this year he’ll prove it…

We think this is a win-win-win! Half of all funds raised went to Spinal Research, half went towards James’ event participation, and in return, James will now continue to provide ongoing free chiropractic care at Soul Café. Incredible stuff.

If you want to follow along with James’ journey check out his Facebook page or instagram

Goal $4,000. Total Donations $3,670



More event information:

Event #1  Alaskaman  – 29 June 2019 (4200m swim in 12 degree water, 185km bike with 1500m climbing, 44km run with 2000m climbing).

Event #2   Canadaman  – 6 July 2019 (3800m swim, 180km bike with 2500m climbing, 42k run with 1200m climbing).

Event #3   San Diego  – 13 July 2019 (50km with 3000m of climbing).


Donations From

Tracy Macaulay – “Well done”

Peter and Karen Vaughan – “Great work James”

Murray & Jacqui Phillips – “Good luck with the events. Thanks for playing a part in keeping us moving and active and for your generosity through Soul Cafe to those doing it tough.”

Alice Staciwa – “Good luck bro”

Susan & Graeme Dobson – “Good luck James! What an amazing challenge! Hope you’ll thaw out between events! All the best, Graeme and Sue xx”

Judy Staciwa – “This is not everyone’s idea of an annual holiday – but certainly you are supporting a wonderful cause. Take care – Mum”

Chris Denham– “Well done mate. Good Luck!”


Lori Potter – “You are an inspiration James! So glad my husband Jeff and I have met you, your family and staff. You make Australia a great place to live in. Wishing you a wonderful trip and safe travels!!”

Andrew McMahon – “You are definitely entering the arena James. Be brave. Be bold. Good health and safe travels.”

Greg Bailey – “Best wishes James, yes a little off centre lol, but very inspiring. Enjoy the beers when you have conquered it all”

Andre Bremmer – “You’re absolutely bonkers, but if there’s anyone to pull this off it is you!”

James Cobb – “Go for it James! You got this!”


Pace Health Lloyd Tables – “Great job James, go well”

Mark Steel – “Well done mate. Very inspiring”

Felicity Gamble – “Go James!”

Transitions Chiropractic 

Bridget Coyne – “Congratulations James, and good luck! Very excited for you”

Australian Spinal Research Foundation – “The Foundation is excited to support James in this amazing event and thank him for his support”

James Staciwa

“You never know how something we may think, say or do today will affect the lives of millions tomorrow” BJ Palmer

Past Fundraising

While competing in the amazing Ultraman race in May 2018, James raised $1080 for research. Congratulations James on completing this three-day endurance event and thank you for your contribution.