This research will investigate the convergent validity of physiological and psychological stress symptoms measured by the novel Stress and Sensorimotor Integration Questionnaire (SDSSMIQ) against the established Depression, Anxiety and Stress scale. The SDSSMIQ is a new tool that has been developed to measure the degree to which an individual’s vertebral subluxation affects how they process sensory information and function and how vertebral subluxations correlate with symptoms of stress. This study will be the first of a series of research studies to assess the psychometric properties of the SDSSMIQ.

Grant Value: $9,736
Chief Investigator: Dr Jenna Duehr – New Zealand College of Chiropractic.
Status: In Progress

Researcher updates:

  • July 2024
    Data scientist has finished the statistical analysis and we are discussing the interpretation and if more analysis needs to be done.  Estimated completion date is mid 2025.

  • July 2023
    Data collection has been completed, and we are now moving onto data processing and analysis.