EMG measurement with spinal adjustment

The Chiropractic profession claims to affect the nervous system via adjusting the spine. Current research is showing that adjusting hypo-mobile vertebral joint complexes does indeed alter the EMG activity of adjacent para-vertebral muscles at rest. This experiment seeks to determine whether the adjustment can alter the electromyography (EMG) activity of an appendicular muscle, namely the…

Analysis of Zygapophyseal Joint Cracking during Cervical Manip

Objectives: To determine if there is a relationship between the side of head rotation and the side of joint crack during “diversified” rotatory manipulation of the cervical spine. Design: Randomised experimental study. Subjects: Fifty asymptomatic subjects were recruited from the students and staff of the above college. Intervention: Single, unilateral “diversified,” high velocity, low amplitude, rotatory thrust technique. Main…

Initial Workforce Visit

Purpose: To present a model that facilitates the contemporary shift towards wellness care in chiropractic practice. Methods: The Chiropractic Identity statement achieved by the World Federation of Chiropractic through consensus methodology was purposively reviewed in light of evidence-based categories of chiropractic practice and a developing understanding of the breadth of neural dimensions of human wellbeing.…

Statement Defensibility

Objective: To describe the process of scientific peer review as it is used in the manuscript submission process, assess threats and challenges to the peer review process, and to offer suggestions for enhancing its effectiveness. Discussion: Peer review is often seen as one of the hallmarks of scientific publication. The primary goal of peer review…

Validity of McNabbs Line

Spinographic measurements on lateral lumbar radiographs are numerous and have much clinical significance.  The present study is aiming to qualify the clinical significance of McNabbs line in which the inferior endplate line is extended posteriorly.  The line is deemed positive if the superior articular facet of the vertebra below extends above this line thus representing…

The Intramuscular effects of the chiropractic adjustment

Many case studies and clinical observations have suggested that the chiropractic adjustment has an effect on the intrinsic muscles spanning a spinal motion segment. Previous studies have examined the EMG effects on the extrinsic muscles of the spine and on the peripheral musculature. The present experiments were designed to determine the effects on the intrinsic…

Sonography of Vertebral Arteries

To determine the effect of head position on the hemodynamics of the vertebral arteries, three normal subjects will be assessed utilising duplex ultrasound. Imaging will take place bilaterally at the mastoid slope, and any disturbances in the flow will be recorded via a pulsed doppler flowmeter Three head positions will be analysed: a neutral head…

Chiropractic adjustive effects on heart function

By conducting this research project our group will be investigating the relationship between a specific chiropractic adjustment in the upper thoracic spine and the efficiency of the cardiovascular system measured over increasing increments of time, by the change in the body’s ability to uptake and use oxygen at rest and during exercise. Subjects will be…

Hamstring Length and Lumbar Lordosis

This study aims to identify a relationship between degree of spinal curve in the low back and length of hamstring muscles. Low back pain has been shown to be caused by an alteration in the low back spinal curve.  This study may have significance in cases where people suffering from low back pain may obtain…

Pain measurement in muscle following joint manipulation

This study seeks to validate the use of a psychophysical technique in evaluating. muscular sensations, especially to painful stimuli. It will then be utilised to investigate the effect on muscular sensory discrimination of various therapeutic interventions. The approach is that of a psychophysical investigation in which brief, mildly painful electric currents are presented to muscles…