This study will expand previous suggestive work in the literature [1-6] to explicitly determine whether immune function can be improved after a series of spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) sessions. The primary aim is to investigate and measure the impact of reducing vertebral subluxation on immune cell function. Before and after 12 weeks of prescribed chiropractic SMT treatments in participants diagnosed with vertebral subluxation, immune biomarkers will be measured with state-of-the-art lab-based immune cell phenotyping. This research will be the first to comprehensively characterise the impact of SMT to reduce vertebral subluxation on immune function in humans.

Grant Value: $37,763 (Co-Funded with the UCA)
Chief Investigator: Dr Jonathan Little – University of British Columbia
Status: In Progress

Researcher Update:

  • July 2024
    The manuscript is being finalised and is almost ready to be submitted. Watch this space!
  • March 2023
    The project has experienced some delays, however data collection is taking place, and researchers are proceeding towards analyses and completion of the project.