The overall goal of this PhD project is to develop the understanding of chiropractic practice through mixed methods research, and to inform systematic controlled studies in the field of chiropractic, specifically pertaining to vertebral subluxation-based research. This proposal seeks to assist the profession in its understanding of individual philosophies and how this relates to how chiropractors’ practice and communicate chiropractic. This research will also investigate the public’s perception of the chiropractic profession, including vertebral subluxation. Using patient reported outcome measures (PROMs), the study may also be able to show the impact of vertebral subluxation-based care on client outcomes. This research project aims to create a platform to strengthen chiropractic, both intra-professionally and within the healthcare arena locally and internationally.

Grant Value: $10,000
Chief Investigator: Dr Tanja Glucina – New Zealand College of Chiropractic
Status: In Progress

Researcher Updates:

  • July 2024
    Thesis was presented in April, Tanja is now working through recommendations ready to complete in December.
  • December 2023
    Thesis submitted.  


  • Complementary Therapies in CLinical Practice, Volume 39, May 2020
    , T. T
    ., Krägeloh, C. U., Farvid, P., & Holt, K. (2020). Moving towards a contemporary chiropractic professional identity.


  • Concordia – Adelaide College of Chiropractic March 2022 Adelaide, Australia
    Changing the Conversation around the Professional Identity of Chiropractic
  • New Zealand Chiropractors Asssociation AGM June 2021. New Plymouth, New Zealand
    The importance of Chiropractic Professional Identity
