This pilot randomised control trial involves the allocation of 20 adults with subclinical spinal-related pain to either six weeks of ‘chiropractic care’ or six weeks of ‘sham chiropractic care’. Multiple objective biomarkers of autonomic function will be used as outcome measures, including heart rate variability, galvanic skin response, pupil response to light, pre-frontal cortex function using functional near infrared spectroscopy, and assessing participants quality of life with the PROMIS-29 health questionnaire. This is the first step in a series of larger studies that will investigate the impact of adjusting vertebral subluxations on autonomic functions.

Grant Value: $9,924
Chief Investigator: Ms Marie Brunsart – New Zealand College of Chiropractic.
Status: In Progress

Researcher updates:

  • July 2024
    The thesis has been written and submitted, it will be published by the end of the year.
  • July 2023
    Data collection has been completed and we are now moving onto data processing and analysis.