Tests of sacral function are an integral component of many chiropractic techniques, however, individual tests that include sacroiliac joint motion have generally been found to have limited reliability and validity. The sacral leg check is routinely used in chiropractic practice but it’s clinical utility has not yet been adequately assessed. This project will evaluate the psychometric properties of the sacral leg check. This will include an assessment of the reliability, validity, and sensitivity to change of the test.  This should be of interest to chiropractors and educators who routinely use and teach the use of this test as a means of analysing subluxations in the sacroiliac region.

Grant Value:$19,911
Chief Investigator:
Dr Kelly Holt – New Zealand College of Chiropractic
Status: In Progress

Researcher Progress:

  • July 2024
    The first phase of data collection has been completed, and second phase is in progress.  It is anticipated that this second phase will be completed in the next two months.  It is estimated that the project will be completed by the end of 2024

  • Ocotober 2023
    COVID-related uncertainties, and team members were stuck overseas, resulting in a shortage of on-ground staff. Has delayed the progress of this project.  However data is being collected right now and the analysis will take place during 2024.
  • November 2018
    Training is progressing well. We are still modifying the protocol as we go but are happy with the progress we are making with our reliability findings. We have secured the use of a motion capture lab to perform the reliability and validity data collection which will really benefit this part of the project.