It is proposed to continue the study of correlation between spinal subluxation and the presence of colic in infants initiated by Alison O’Neill in 1991.  The project encumbered problems and delays with regard to approaching the hospital system for possible subjects. The 1991 study only examined 2 infants. This project. aims to concentrate solely on achieving meaningful experimental results, using established contacts and other avenues.

Infants of two to fifty-two weeks of age will be monitored by parental recording in the diary. Information recorded in the diary will include the motoric behaviour and gastrointestinal manifestations during a colic attack. It will also indicate the method of feeding during the four weeks and the type of birth. Detection of spinal dysfunction at diary completion will consist of static and motion palpation examination.

Grant Value: $500
Chief Investigator: Dr Alison O’Neill
Status: Complete


No outcomes sourced at this time.