The effects of sacro-iliac joint dysfunction on walking will be explored using five normal individuals and ten with sacro-iliac joint dysfunction.

The subjects will be filmed at the University of New South Wales Ergonomics Iab. Five of those with sacro-iliac joint pain will be filmed before chiropractic adjustment, immediately after adjustment and after one week of continuing treatment. The other five subjects with sacro­ iliac joint dysfunction and the five normal individuals will be filmed at the same intervals as those receiving chiropractic treatment.

Gait parameters, such as stride length, ground reaction force etc. , will be determined in consultation with staff of the Ergonomics Iab and any response to treatment will be noted. Subjects will also rate their discomfort on a pain scale at each testing session.

Grant Value: $650
Chief Investigator: Dr Andrew Filan – Macquarie University
Status: Complete


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